Integrated Care System workshop
VIN delivered the first ICS workshop in Northampton on the 28 of March 2022, with funding from NHS England and the Lottery Community Fund. Over 50 delegates attended to hear a range of speakers, including the Independent Chair of the soon to be convened Integrated Care Board (ICB) and West Northamptonshire Council on Health Transformation in Localities and Neighbourhoods. The Integrated Care System (ICS) is a fundamental change to how Population Health Management will be delivered in our communities. Within the ICS structure, there is a requirement to embed and work with the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector (VCSE). This guidance can be viewed here.
It will not be the role of the ICS to prescribe how they work with the VCSE, just that they will. Experience across the UK, in other Integrated Care Systems, demonstrate that the more the VCSE can group together along Thematic lines, the better the opportunity to engage. The Mental Health Collaborative, within our County, is an excellent example of this, with 50 organisations coming together to discuss the issues and challenges around the subject. With a weight of 50, they will be listened to.
The ICS cannot engage with every single VCSE organisation, so alignment is critical, particularly at Tier 1 (Neighbourhoods) and Tier 2 (Localities). At the moment, there is no real detail about who will sit where and why. Part of the solution will be driven by Local Authority data which informs health decisions based upon statistics and trends – but the rest is up for grabs.
One way of ensuring you are part of the collective is to join the VCSE Assembly. You can do this by simply emailing the Project Officer Kerri, at:
The Assembly will keep you informed about what’s happening in the ICS, demystify some of the terminology, and has a place at the table of the potentially new Integrated Care Partnership (ICP), which will help inform the VCSE viewpoint on a whole range of health-related issues. Membership is free so there’s every incentive to join and have your say.
VIN is hosting another workshop on the 9 of May 2022 in Kettering, so if you missed the first one you still have an opportunity to engage and understand. You can book your place here.