A View From the Turret – The Budget 2024

There were several key announcements within the budget which took place on the 30th of October 2024. Overall, it was characterised by increases in spending, taxation and borrowing, the largest recipients of increased funding being appeared to be the NHS and schools, although the detail is far from clear and we all need to see the Spending Review, due for publication in the spring of 2025. Some of the positive news includes:

  • Increased local government funding: A 3.2% rise in core local government spending, with at least £600 million in new funding for social care.
  • Support for individuals and carers: Reduce Universal Credit debt deductions (from 25% to 15%). Raise the weekly earnings limit on Carer’s Allowance. Conduct an independent review of Carer’s Allowance overpayments.
  • SEND support: £1 billion (a 6% real-terms rise) to support children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
  • Funding for hardship support: £1 billion next year to extend the Household Support Fund and hardship payments.
  • Education funding: An additional £30 million for free breakfast clubs.
  • Funding for Holocaust education: An additional £2 million to support Holocaust education charities.

The less positive news for charities struggling on the precipice of sustainability is the 6.7% rise in the national living wage and the increase in employer National Insurance contributions (NICs) to 15%, both effective from 1 April 2025.

As NCVO remark:

While fair wages are essential, these rising costs will intensify the “triple squeeze” charities face from increasing costs, reduced funding, and higher demand.

Smaller charities may need to shift already limited resources away from essential services, putting the communities they support at risk.

Given this, it’s essential that VCSE organisations practice excellent housekeeping which includes ensuring that the projects they deliver make sense financially and are not loss leaders. In addition, every VCSE leader should be standing up and discussing non-inflationary contracts (usually provided by the Local Authority but not exhaustively) and detailing the extra costs that organisations must bear because of this budget.

Part of this is about a true and granular understanding of what works for your organisation and how much it costs. Once people know this, it’s easier to understand what you need when an offer comes your way.

Without it, you’re guessing and in this new world that’s a mistake that no VCSE organisation can afford to make.

LAP CYP and Family Summits

The Local Area Partnerships are running a series of CYP and Family Summits through November and December 2024. The summits will bring together a range of organisations that offer services to and work with children, young people, and families within our local community. This is an exciting opportunity to collaborate, share your great work and help design an early help community network focused on better outcomes for local families.

The Agendas are all broadly similar and will take place in each of the 9 LAPS within West Northamptonshire.

If you are a VCSE organisation delivering services around this agenda then please visit the summit most closely co-located for your work.

Purpose: Under the theme “Think Family First, Think Local Community Solution”, the summit will encourage organisations to explore how we might:


  • Acknowledge and build on each other’s strengths.
  • Reduce silo working through improved collaboration.
  • Introduce early help and intervention strategies.
  • Improve outcomes for families and reduce inequalities.

Key Outcomes: Through our discussions we are aiming to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Co-design the local early help community element of the Family Hubs and Spokes model and
  • Build on the momentum and agree how local multi-agency forums meeting regularly can solve local issues together.

Agenda Highlights:

  • Showcasing innovative local projects.
  • Breakout sessions to share services, better understand needs and explore potential collaboration.
  • Designing the early help community framework for Family Hubs & Spokes.
  • Discussion on forming local multi-agency forums to meet regularly and address local challenges.

If you wish to find out more about the event, its location and date, or to book a space please contact the LAP lead for your local LAP area.

Emilie.vavsour@westnorthants.gov.uk (Northampton Central. South and East).

Justine.horrocks@westnorthants.gov.uk (Rural West).

Michelle.grimwood@westnorthants.gov.uk (Northampton North and West).

Rachel.Bryne@westnorthants.gov.uk (Rural South and Rural East).

CEO Network Event 20th February 2025

VIN has partnered once again with the Doddridge Centre for the next CEO Networking Event taking place on the 20th of February 2025 between 10am and 12 noon.

We will be following up the threads from the previous sessions on Artificial Intelligence and LAP priorities and will be giving a chance for delegates to meet, mingle, and discuss.

Refreshments will be provided.

The Doddridge Centre has ample free parking and can be found here: Doddridge Centre | West Northamptonshire Council

To book your space contact sophie.negus@voluntaryimpact.org.uk

The Movement Fund is open

Sport England has a pot of funding called the Movement Fund, which is aimed at getting people from priority audiences more active.


The Movement Fund offers various opportunities to access up to £15,000 to cover various costs and items to help deliver positive change in your community.


This may interest you directly or an organisation you work with or know.


So, join Northamptonshire Sport as we explore crowdfunding pledges, grants, and support to help projects that get more people active. If you’re eligible and your project aligns with the funding goals, you could be eligible to receive a grant.


They will also examine how the Sport England funding can support underserved communities through direct financing and offer crowdfunding support to all organisations and communities.


Throughout November, you can join them for a webinar or via 1-2-1 sessions online or in person in Kettering and Northampton.


During the 1-2-1 session, they can look over your application, help shape an application or offer to receive guidance on the governance required for larger projects, advice on crowdfunding, and a chance to discuss other funding. Please note that football only projects are not eligible to apply.


To reserve your place, please visit.




For further information, visit the Sport England Movement hub, which showcases the best of our tools and resources to help everyone in the sport and physical activity unite the movement




or the Sport England Movement Fund website, which offers an in-depth background on the funding.




CEO Network Event 26th September 2024

Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire held the first CEO Networking Event on the 26th of September 2024, in partnership with the Doddridge Centre who provided a venue and refreshments. These networking sessions are brought under the new Infrastructure contract with West Northamptonshire Council, which is itself a collective approach driven under the umbrella of SAWN (Social Action West Northamptonshire) which includes VIN, South Northants Volunteer Bureau (SNVB) and Daventry Volunteers. 18 CEO’s or Principal Decision Makers attended and were treated with two guest speakers in the shape of Shah Alhabib and Emilie Vavasour.


Shah gave a superb presentation on Artificial Intelligence and what it could mean for the VCSE. We all know how labour intensive some of work is, and AI may be a route to simplifying some of that. It was agreed that those in attendance would look and examine some of the many free options or packages which exist in the marketplace, with a view to formalising an approach at the next session (February or March 2025).


Emilie Vavasour (LAP Lead) gave an insightful presentation on the current Local Area Partnership priorities and how VCSE organisations can involve themselves. The priorities can be seen here


VIN is acutely aware that the role of CEO can be a lonely and unforgiving space. As a result,  we will build in time to discuss issues, concerns, challenges, or a better way of working at the next session.


If existing delegates want a particular subject discussed or a guest speaker invited please contact russell.rolph@voluntaryimpact.org.uk


If you wish to prebook your space in advance (a date will be circulated in due course) please contact Sophie.negus@voluntaryimpact.org.uk


VIN would like to thank those who took time from their busy schedule to attend and would also like to thank the Doddridge for their efforts on our collective behalf.

Grant scheme applications now open for community organisations to provide crisis support for residents

Several grant schemes are now available for registered charities, not-for-profit and Voluntary Community and Social Enterprises (VCSE) organisations in West Northamptonshire, or who are prepared to operate within West Northants, to apply for funding to support vulnerable households most in need with the cost of living.

Using funds from the sixth tranche of the Household Support Fund for West Northants, £955,000 has been allocated for grant funding to support those in financial hardship, with funding being available until the end of March 2025.

To ensure funding can support as many residents as needed, three grant schemes are available for organisations to apply for. These include:

  • £545,000 available for projects or services supporting the Food Aid Network
  • £225,000 available for projects or services supporting vulnerable households struggling to afford energy bills and energy saving essentials.
  • £185,000 available for projects or services supporting vulnerable households struggling to afford household and wider essentials.

All applications must demonstrate they can offer services that cater for immediate needs as well as providing support that has a long-term sustainable impact.

Closing date for this funding is 5pm on Wednesday 6 November 2024.

Further information and the full criteria for applications can be found on the WNC website and in the Council’s Community Funding Grants Framework.

For an application form and guidance please email communitygrants@westnorthants.gov.uk.

More information on the Household Support Fund (HSF) can be found on the West Northamptonshire Council Website.

Northamptonshire Health & Care Volunteering awarded a grant as part of Volunteering for Health Programme, which aims to harness the power of volunteering for health and social care nationally and locally.

Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire, on behalf of Northamptonshire Health & Care Volunteering has been awarded a grant as part of Volunteering for Health – a £10 million programme being delivered in partnership by NHS England, NHS Charities Together and CW+, the official charity of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Volunteering for Health aims to maximise the benefits of volunteers as a vital resource in delivering health and social care nationally and locally, whilst strengthening volunteering infrastructure.

The programme is part of NHS England’s response to the NHS Volunteering Taskforce which brought together health charities, volunteers, clinicians, civil servants and policy makers. The Taskforce published its recommendations in June 2023, concluding that more can be done nationally and locally to maximise the benefits of volunteers and volunteering in the NHS.

Northamptonshire Health & Care Volunteering was one of 15 partnerships across the UK to successfully bid for funding. Partnerships are made up of voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations, NHS Trusts, integrated care boards (ICBs), local authorities (LAs) and NHS charities. In Northamptonshire the partnership is led by Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire and includes Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT), Mental Health Northants Collaboration (MHNC), Northamptonshire Community Foundation, Northamptonshire Black Communities Together (NBCT), Northampton General Hospital, Kettering General Hospital, and wider stakeholders across health and social care.

Grants were awarded to applicants who were able to demonstrate how they intended to break down barriers, test new models and develop guidance and best practice that can be shared across the NHS and beyond.

With this funding, the partnership intends to embed volunteering into health systems at a strategic level, increase the capacity and capability for volunteering and improve the volunteer experience, and improve the diversity of the volunteer workforce by reducing barriers to volunteering for under-represented communities and testing new models of volunteering.

Russell Rolph, CEO of Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire said:

“I am delighted that Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire is part of a partnership collective which has achieved Volunteering in Health funding. We all know the importance of volunteering, and within health, and at this current time, it’s even more vital. I look forward to working with our Funder and a range of differing organisations across many sectors. The idea that we can bring volunteering skill and knowledge into health, and potentially chart a career in healthcare for volunteers is exciting.”

The grant will be paid in instalments over the next three years, until the end of June 2027. Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire will receive an initial payment for the development phase, with an ambition to begin delivering the programme by March 2025.

Duncan Burton, Chief Nursing Officer for England, said:

“Volunteers, as partners with our skilled staff, make a significant contribution across NHS and care services and positively impact the lives of many people.


“There are currently more than 300 ways that people can volunteer for the NHS, ranging from running a hospital radio show to helping combat loneliness. This programme will further harness the power of volunteering for the benefit of patients, staff and communities.”


Search ‘NHS Volunteering’ or visit volunteering.england.nhs.uk/volunteer to find out more about how to become an NHS volunteer.

A View from the Turret- Connect Northamptonshire enters its final year

For those of you who don’t know, Connect Northamptonshire is a VIN managed programme funded by the Lottery Community Fund. The principal aim of Connect Northamptonshire is to embed the VCSE into the Integrated Care System, the biggest transformation in health and social care for decades: And why is that so important?

Apart from it being prescribed in the NHS Long Term Plan and every other piece of guidance issued since, the use of the VCSE in Health and in Place is compelling. The VCSE lives, works, and invests in local communities, can deploy rapidly and intuitively around health inequalities whilst costing less. The idea that prescription is required to work with the VCSE I find strangely perplexing. Both Health and Local Authorities cannot deliver the change that the Integrated Care System demands without us. As someone once said: It’s as plain as the nose on your face.

Connect Northamptonshire has moved mountains to ensure that the VCSE is involved with statutory partners, has built relationships across all sectors and is now running a series of Pilot Projects on Health Inequalities which puts the VCSE at centre stage. These Pilot Projects will demonstrate that commissions can be dealt with differently and are more engaging and targeted as a result. The programme has adopted a Test and Learn Approach, and in the final months of the contract VIN will be vocalising what they have achieved and why placing the VCSE at the heart of commissions is vital.

I cannot commend my Alliances Manager, Claire Neilson, highly enough for her tireless work and enthusiasm in this regard, across a complex and difficult landscape.

My question (and indeed it should be everybody’s question) is what happens when the contract ceases in August of 2025?

Will it be another case of a legacy so hard gained so easily lost?

I have run and attended several conferences or partnership forums on Health Inequalities throughout 2024. What I hear consistently is a lack of legacy within the County, a lack of learning from what’s been achieved.  I have a simple solution:

Retain the Alliances Manager Post past August of 2025 and continue with the programme of embedding the VCSE at System and at Place. I am not precious where that post sits, but to lose it would create a hiatus which could undermine the momentum that Connect Northamptonshire has built. If the Integrated Care System is predicated upon the 10-year NHS plan, then embedding the VCSE could take a further 2- 4 years. The cost of continuing the post is unlikely to be met from the Community Fund but it could easily be achieved within Health and Public Health, or a combination of both, and the value of a bespoke and focussed resource would be worth the investment.

Think about how we commission services. If learning is important, then commission differently. The Kings Fund report on how to tackle Health Inequlaities says exactly that. Top slice commissions to include the right and correct level of market intelligence and use the Insights Library to land bank the data. In this, the VCSE becomes an assured independent broker, and that journey could be delivered through the Alliances Manager if they remain in post.

My plea is always the same. If the Integrated Care System is about anything, its an opportunity to do things differently. Let’s not miss the chance.


Celebrating the contribution of older people in our communities  

Following on from our very successful Healthy Active Ageing event in April 2024 we are delighted to announce the formation of the Healthy Active Ageing Network in Northamptonshire, coinciding with the celebration of International Day of Older People on October 1st 2024.

The Healthy Active Ageing Network are a core group of stakeholders who have a professional role and/or interest in promoting the health and wellbeing of older people, and especially in reducing any health inequalities that they might experience. The network contributes to the shared ambition of Move Northamptonshire (A Framework For Active Lifestyles In Northamptonshire), and to the ‘Live Your Best Life’ Strategy – specifically ambition 3 ‘Opportunity to be fit, well and independent’.

The Healthy Active Ageing network  will be working with Professor Sir Muir Gray to develop a local programme aimed at promoting healthy ageing in our community.

Sir Muir Gray, is a physician, academic, and health system innovator, who has held senior positions in the NHS, and has overseen national health screening and NHS RightCare programmes.

This initiative will enable us to share national and international best practice across our local networks, and coordinate our efforts to make Northamptonshire a great place to live and be active.

Older people make invaluable contributions to our communities in numerous ways, and we want to celebrate this as part of International Day of Older People 2024.

We will be inviting people to Be Active – physically, cognitively, and socially” across Northamptonshire, and to share their stories about what healthy active ageing means to them.

Join us in celebrating and supporting our older population to live healthier, more active lives!

Contact Connect Northamptonshire’s Alliances Manager, Claire Neilson (claire.neilson@voluntaryimpact.org.uk) to talk about opportunities to get involved!