Healthwatch Commissioning (West Northamptonshire)

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 requires local authorities to establish and maintain a local Healthwatch service to understand the needs, experiences, and concerns of people who use health and social care services and to speak out on their behalf.

Currently, West Northamptonshire Council and North Northamptonshire Council have a joint Northamptonshire Healthwatch organisation contract that will expire on 31st March 2025. This transition will enable the Council to separate from a Northamptonshire-wide Healthwatch service and develop a new, local Healthwatch West Northamptonshire service.

This new service will be more inclusive and representative of the residents of the Council by embedding Healthwatch into the area, raising awareness of its role and function, maximising local participation and representation, and providing a strong and local independent public voice that is both recognised and valued.

Cllr Matt Golby, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Adult Care, Public Health and Regulatory Services said:

We are committed to providing a local West Northamptonshire Council Healthwatch service for our residents. The new Healthwatch service will play a crucial role in ensuring that our community’s needs are heard and addressed. I encourage eligible organisations to apply for this grant and be part of this vital initiative.

Healthwatch West Northamptonshire will have several key rights and responsibilities, including:

  • The power to monitor, known as “Enter and View,” health and social care services (with some exceptions). The primary purpose is to find out what patients, service users, carers, and the wider public think of health and social care.
  • Reporting findings of local views and experiences to health and social care decision-makers and making the case for improved services.
  • Being a strong and powerful voice for local people, influencing how services are planned, organised, and delivered.
  • Being an effective voice rooted in the community. Healthwatch will find out what local people think about health and social care, researching patient, user, and carer opinions using various methods.
  • The option to escalate concerns and report evidence to national organisations, including Healthwatch England, NHS England, and the Care Quality Commission.

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 places limitations on the types of organisations that can provide Healthwatch services. These limitations ensure that providers meet the definition of voluntary, community, or social enterprise organisations, and certain not-for-profit constitutionalised organisations.

A grant of up to £137,000 per year is available to provide Healthwatch West Northamptonshire from 1 April 2025 for two financial years, with an option to extend for a third year. The closing date for applications is 5pm on Wednesday 22 January 2025. Click here for more information on the grant programme. To request an expression of interest grant application form or to find out more about your eligibility, please email:

VIN works with Adult Social Care

VIN has started work with Adult Social Care (West Northamptonshire) on their Co-Production Register.

The Register consists of Experts by Experience (or EBEs) who contribute to Adult Social Care Policy and future Commissions.

Russell Rolph (the CEO of VIN) states:

I am delighted to be working with Adult Social Care (ASC) on this Register and in supporting the Co-production Board. Working with those who have Lived Experience is vital in ensuring that the right services are compiled and delivered, and this is a great opportunity for VIN to step further into this arena. As we know more, I am calling on all VCSE organisations across West Northamptonshire to suggest potential candidates for these EBE roles, all of which are remunerated for the time they give. Please contact me for information in the first instance. The programme will start in earnest in January of 2025, and my thanks to all those in Adult Social Care who gave us this opportunity. Further information on the pipeline of ASC Commissions will be circulated in due course.

Public consultation on Community Safety

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Danielle Stone has this week launched the public consultation on her Community Safety Plan, Safe and Sound (Police, Fire and Crime Plan).

This consultation also includes a further separate consultation on the council tax precept for both policing and fire.

She is keen to hear as many views as possible from all sections of the community before finalising any of these.

Please click on the link provided below where you can view the Community Safety Plan in full.

The Plan is a strategic level Plan that is aimed at improving the quality of services provided and the service to local communities. It will be underpinned by operational police and fire Plans being developed by the Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer and will also have falling from it several “spin off” Plans and activities.

Champion Training

We are pleased to offer the following online information events for anyone who would like to find out about becoming a Community Health Champion.

The sessions will cover the Community Health Champion role, the training available, and the support provided by the Project Coordinator.

Tues 10th December, 9-10am

Mon 16th December, 1.30-2.30pm

Wed 8th January, 11am-12noon

To register for ONE of these short sessions, please contact Andrea Newman, Project Coordinator:

07909 864253

Children and Young People Consultation in West Northamptonshire

West Northamptonshire Council are asking for feedback on two important consultations around the delivery of Children and Young People (or CYP). VCSE organisations that work with these beneficiaries are encouraged to reply.

The first appertains to services delivered to those aged 0-19.

This consultation will be open for six weeks and is available via the following links:

The second concerns Sexual Health. This consultation will run for four weeks and can be accessed here: