A view from the turret on the ICS
A way in which the ICS and the VCSE may come together?
Sitting largely in West Northamptonshire as VIN does, I am watching with interest the many and various developments within the ICS.
West Northamptonshire has taken 600 pages of NHS and Government Guidance and kindly distilled these into 10 workable ambitions. The North are likely to follow suit, with some sovereign differences.
The West Northamptonshire strap line is Live Your Best Life, and the high-level ambitions are these:
- Thriving Childhood
- Access to the best available education and learning
- Opportunity to be fit, well and independent
- Employment that keeps them and their families out of poverty
- Housing that is affordable, safe, and sustainable in places which are clean and green
- To feel safe in their homes and when out and about
- Connected to their families and friends
- The chance for a fresh start when things go wrong
- Access to health and social care when they need it
- To be accepted and valued simply for who they are.
It strikes me that within these 10 high level ambitions could be the key for how the VCSE will embed and work with the ICS. These ambitions are Thematic in nature, but they will allow for the VCSE voice to be connected to service delivery in its widest sense, at both a Locality (or Local Area Partnership Level) and at the point of Sub Place. The Assembly already works along some of these Thematic lines, and these Thematic areas could be expanded to ensure more VCSE organisations can help influence the decision-making process. Not every VCSE organisation will sit at every table. That is frankly impossible and unworkable. But there could be a clear rationale based upon these ambitions which allows for the right VCSE representation, in the right place and at the right time. VIN is applying for Health Equality Grant Funding which will help broker who sits where and why.
And I also have a plea: If you are not part of an Assembly Thematic Group join one. Beyond the Collaboratives it’s the best way of remaining connected and understanding the impacts of the ICS. Contact Kerri Marshall – Duckett at kerri@vcseassembly.org.uk for more information on the Thematic Groups and how you can join.