
What is safeguarding?
John Leivers is joined by Caroline Gooch from Age UK, Natriece Westwood from NDAS, Martin Steers from NLive Radio, and Carolyn Howe from VIN for the first episode of this new five part series on safeguarding for the voluntary and community sector.

Roles and responsibilities
In this episode, John Leivers is joined by Natriece Westwood of NDAS, Caroline Gooch of Age UK Northamptonshire, Jane Geraghty from Northamptonshire Safeguarding Adults Board and Michelle Wright, Team Manager for Safeguarding & Assurance, North Northants Council.

Policies and procedures
This week we are talking to Amarjit Pawar of Right Resolution CIC, Jane Geraghty, Northamptonshire Safeguarding Adults Board, Independent Scrutineer AND Michelle Wright, Team Manager for Safeguarding & Assurance, North Northants Council about the policies and procedures that support effective safeguarding in VCSE organisations.

Risk: Recognising, responding and reporting
To help VCSE organisations understand who is at risk, and how this relates to their responsibilities around safeguarding, NLive’s John Leivers is joined by NDAS’s Natriece Westwood, Amarjit Pawar from Right Resolution CIC, Jane Geraghty an Independent Scrutineer from Northamptonshire Safeguarding Adults Board ( NSAB) and Michelle Wright, Team Manager for Safeguarding & Assurance, North Northants Council.

Safeguarding, recruitment, and criminal records checks
Age UK’s Caroline Gooch, Natriece Westwood from NDAS,and Martin Steers from NLive Radio join John Leivers to talk about safeguarding, recruitment, and Criminal Records Checks, to help VCSE organisations understand what they should consider during the recruitment and induction of volunteers and staff, and what Criminal Records checks are, how to use them (and how not to!).