
Oakfield Community was founded in 1981 and supports 30 adults with learning disabilities in their two homes in Yardley Hastings and Easton Maudit.

Our principal aim is to provide services that best meet the need of individuals within the community in which adults can be assisted to reach their full potential and to live happy, meaningful lives.

Oakfield (Easton Maudit) Ltd is a charitable company limited by guarantee and the members of the Management Board are Trustees of the Charitable company and Directors for the purposes of Company Law.

We are seeking an additional Trustee/Director, particularly with experience in Social Care to help us ensure the business is trading efficiently to deliver our vision through our professional  team.

We meet monthly, generally in the afternoon in Northampton and become involved in the life of Oakfield in support of the Senior Management Team on an as needed basis.

Should you become a Trustee and Director we offer training and support in the role and most importantly the opportunity of being part of wonderful community bringing security and opportunities to those we support. As a significant employer in the area  (c.75 staff) we also pride ourselves in offering the best terms and conditions we can and training and career opportunities in a supportive,  fulfilling environment.

For more information or to apply, please contact Clive Reeder on 07771504796 or