Northamptonshire Health and Care Partnership Final Update

The June 2022 Newsletter can be seen by clicking on this link: Click here to read or download the June 2022 Partnership Update newsletter.

 This edition includes the reflections of Naomi Eisenstadt, Chair designate of the Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board (ICB), as we all get ready for the ICB to formally replace NHS Northamptonshire CCG on the 1st of July 2022.

Elsewhere in this newsletter you can read about:

  • How our Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism programme is set to achieve formal Collaborative status.
  • How the NHS is looking to Northamptonshire to help develop a national integrated community stroke service model.
  • Highlights from the first two years of the iCAN programme (Ageing Well).
  • Initial work to develop a feeding difficulties strategy for the Children and Young People programme.