West Northamptonshire Council UKSPF Investment Plan Survey

West Northamptonshire Council is responsible for preparing a UKSPF Investment Plan, which will be submitted to Government by 1 August, to secure a 3-year core funding allocation of £5.4m.The primary goal of the UKSPF is to build pride in place and increase life chances across the UK. To this end, the Council welcomes ideas from relevant organisations to inform its Investment Plan. However, we expect this funding opportunity will be over-subscribed. There is no guarantee that investment proposal suggestions will be successful and/or included within the Plan.All responses must be submitted by 29th June at 5pm.The Council strongly recommends all consultees to familiarise themselves with the background information and associated national guidance documents provided on the government’s webpage here.To access the survey, please click here. Your responses will be treated as confidential and in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements.Please note that during the survey you will be prompted to upload a spreadsheet outlining the expected spend if you are proposing a project to fulfil the interventions of the Investment Plan. To access the spreadsheet please click here and for any other queries regarding this form, please contact maria.ioannou@hatch.com. For further questions, please contact West Northamptonshire Council at Economy@WestNorthants.gov.uk.