Chairs and Vice Chairs of Community Wellbeing Forums, North Northamptonshire

The ICS has agreed that the NN VCSE should Chair the Community Wellbeing Forum (CWF).  We need to elect Chairs and Vice Chairs for these place-based CWFs. There are 8 positions available:

There are four CWF with the following interim Chairs:

  • Corby – Kate Williams (Groundwork Northamptonshire)
  • Kettering – Jo Moore (Accomodation Concern)
  • Wellingborough – Pratima Dattani (Support Northamptonshire)
  • East Northants – Jess Slater (Serve)


If you are interested in being the Chair or Vice Chair of the CWF please contact Sean Silver on

Election process: If there are more than 2 nominations for the above positions the NN VCSE Steering Group will agree a selection panel who will conduct interviews and select the most suitable candidate.

These positions are paid and currently we are using the Health Equalities Grant secured by VIN to support the VCSE to be involved in the ICS. Other funding is being sought from the ICS partners.

For each CWF meeting the Chair will receive £500. There is no remuneration for the position of Vice Chair, although in the absence of the Chair for a CWF meeting, the funding for that meeting should go to the Vice Chair for Chairing the meeting.

Closing Date  27th January 2022