North Place Development – Phase two 2023 (Integrated Care System)
In North Northamptonshire, all the relevant Community Wellbeing Forums and Local Area Partnerships were launched in late 2022. The dates of these meetings were as follows:
East Northants Community Wellbeing Forum (7th November 2022)
Kettering Community Wellbeing Forum (10th November 2022)
Wellingborough Community Wellbeing Forum (11th November 2022)
Corby Community Wellbeing Forum (16th November 2022)
Wellingborough Rural Local Area Partnership or LAP (28th November 2022)
Corby LAP (30th November 2022)
East Northants Rural LAP (5th December 2022)
Kettering Rural LAP (12th December 2022)
Wellingborough Urban LAP (14th December 2022)
Kettering Urban LAP (15th December 2022)
At these meetings the Integrated Care System Model was introduced and the draft operating framework for each Community Wellbeing Forum was discussed, and membership discussed.
It was agreed that Community Wellbeing Forums would lead on the collation of information about current and recent engagement by way of a survey across attending organisations. There was a genuine feeling of positivity as these forums brought people together, shared best practice and can over time work on the best way to engage with residents within communities.
The focus at the 7 LAP meetings was to consider the information provided in the Area LAP profiles: A good mix of people attended from across the statutory and voluntary sectors. The profiles were walked through in detail with the support of Public Health. There was a recognition they are just a starter for 10, there are many data sets yet to be added. More importantly the profiles need to be enhanced with local intelligence from organisations and the wider community. The profiles generated lots of energy and discussion about key issues in the LAP area, recognising not all the right people were in the rooms yet.
What’s next in North Place Based Development?
Action points and meeting dates have been extended to Community Wellbeing Forum Members.
LAP membership is much more fluid, and organisations should be contacting VCSE representative leaders to stake a place. These are:
Moving forward the North will be using a shared repository where individuals or organisations can find Action Logs, Operating Frameworks, and emerging LAP themes.