Time Well Spent 2023
Time Well Spent is NCVO’s Research Programme into Volunteering and the motivations of Volunteers. NCVO regularly conduct surveys and analyse the date – the latest themes and trends can be found here: Key findings from Time Well Spent 2023 | NCVO
The headline themes are as follows:
- Volunteering has decreased slight since the onset of COVID19.
- Volunteering satisfaction is lower than previously reported.
- There are still challenges with Inclusivity and Diversity (a challenge for the VCSE sector in general and beyond Volunteering).
- New trends in Virtual Volunteering are here to stay.
- Volunteer motivations have changed very little between surveys.
- Practical and logistical barriers still need to be addressed to ensure the most fulfilling Volunteer experience.
Sarah Vibert of NCVO states:
The data shows the impact of covid on volunteering has been profound. People who were lifelong volunteers broke their habit during the pandemic and haven’t yet got back to it. Given how important volunteering is to our social fabric – and how much people get out of it – we need an urgent focus on helping people find opportunities that suit them.
There are also positives with high levels of satisfaction among volunteers. This is a testament to the hard work of volunteer-involving organisations. Many have had to adapt their volunteering opportunities over the last few years to respond to social distancing measures as well as new need in communities.