Collaboration in Health Inequalities
Voluntary Impact held its Collaboration in Health Inequalities event on the 1st of May 2024 at the Kings Park Conference Centre. Funded through NHS Partnerships England, keynote speakers included Sally Burns (Director of Health for West Northamptonshire), Naomi Eisenstadt (Chair of the Integrated Care Board) and Julie Curtis (Director of Place for West Northamptonshire).
The Presentations can be viewed here:
Place Development in West Northants
What do Health Inequalities mean to an Integrated Care System
Our Northamptonshire Population and the Health Inequalities that we see
Over 100 delegates were in attendance from all sectors including the VCSE, Local Authorities and various NHS Health Departments.
Following on from the presentations, delegates divided into Focus Groups covering subject areas such as Poverty, Isolation, Ethnic Minority Inequalities, Older Adults and Children and Young People.
The Groups looked at what is being done now and how, and what good looks like in a perfect world.
The Conference was concluded with a Question-and-Answer Panel.
The notes from each Focus Group will be compiled over the next 2 weeks and will be shared in future Friday Bulletins. If you wish to subscribe to our Bulletin simply contact