Partnership working
Working in partnership can bring increased opportunities and benefits to an organisation, as long as it is thought through and managed carefully. Corporate-charity partnerships should be aimed at bringing mutual benefit to both parties through their collaborative efforts. More than just ticking the corporate social responsibility (CSR) box, any business partnerships should consist of long-term, strategic projects that bring about sustainable impact and real change. Read our factsheet on Types of Charitable Collaborations here.
Find out more:
VIN Community Organising Overview Session 22 Mar 23
You can view the recording of the session here:
VIN Community…
Community Organising Framework
Community Organising Framework
CO Principles of Practice
CO Principles of Practice
Types Of Charitable Collaborations: Mergers, Joint Ventures & Partnerships
Navigating which option is right for your charity can be challenging, the first step is to understand the differences between the various types of collaboration.
How to form great business and charity partnerships
Corporate-charity partnerships should be aimed at bringing mutual benefit to both parties through their collaborative efforts.
Building impactful corporate partnerships
A useful document for building more impactful corporate-charity partnerships.
Charities and commercial partners
This study focuses on the commercial partnership that exists when a charity and a commercial company enter into an agreement either to raise funds for the charity or to raise its profile.
Why partnerships fail
It’s a known fact that 80% of business or Charity Partnerships…