Supporting your community organisation
We offer support to voluntary and community organisations in Northampton, helping them to maximise their effectiveness and become more flexible in approach to the current and changing environment.
We offer support to voluntary and community organisations in Northampton, helping them to maximise their effectiveness and become more flexible in approach to the current and changing environment.
We provide advice, information and training on a variety of topics relevant to running a VCSE organisation, supported by a wide range of free factsheets and resources.
Our consultancy package offers bespoke solutions for your organisation.
Whether you’re a small, informal community group, a social enterprise or a leading regional charity, we can help.
Place Based Social Action (PBSA) is about people coming together to solve the problems that are important in their communities, and Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire (VIN) is working with communities to support them to create the changes they want to see, and encouraging collaborative planning and working together.
Social Action is a way for communities to build on the strengths, and address local priorities, in their communities. It involves people giving their time and other resources to do this. This can be in a number of ways, from small neighbourly acts to volunteering or developing community owned services and assets. VIN will be working on a community organising approach to social action, ensuring that members of the communities we are working with are directly involved in their own development.
Arts, community, heritage, sport and other multi-strand funders have rolling programmes, although some will have various deadline dates throughout the year. As with any funding, please do check whether you are eligible for the grants being offered before you spend any time on an application – some of the sites have quick eligibility checkers – and if you are eligible, please take the time to be clear about what the funder wants to see in any application. More funding opportunities can be found in our funding news section, and for further funding advice and information please contact us.