VCSE groups are invited to submit an interest in concessionary property.
Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations are invited to submit expressions of interest for Council owned property available for VCS use at concessionary rates.
West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) owns a portfolio of approximately 1,000 properties that are managed and maintained by WNC’s Assets & Environment team. Most of this portfolio are operational buildings such as Council office buildings, schools, care homes and libraries, which provide facilities enabling the Council to deliver and provide essential services to the residents of West Northamptonshire. Others are let commercially to provide space for businesses and income to support Council services.
However, also included within this portfolio are properties which may be suitable for VCS organisations including registered charities, voluntary and community groups, not-for-profit organisations, social enterprise, and faith groups. These are available at concessionary rates, for either short or longer-term use, depending on the situation.
The Council publishes the list of ‘Available Property’ on its website, normally on a quarterly basis. Expressions of interest may be submitted and are considered normally at the end of each quarter. All expressions of interest are judged on compliance with the policy and on community benefit. If more than one VCS organisation makes a compliant request to use a property, the one offering the best credible community benefits will be preferred.
Other property available to let or buy from the Council is also listed on the website, but unless reclassified would be let or sold on commercial terms only.
VCS groups can view the full property list, policy document, and submit an expression of interest form on the Estates Management webpage. Before submitting an expression of interest, VCS groups are strongly advised to carefully read the policy and ensure they address all the points within it.