Governance is vitally important for charities and the non-profit sector. Failure in Governance can be a disaster for the organisation concerned and the beneficiaries they support. As part of this, it’s important to make sure when setting out, that you choose the right governance structure for your group – and this may need to change over time. Read our factsheet on Legal Structures here.
Find out more:
Conflict of Interest Policy Template
Conflict of Interest Policy template
Complaints policy and procedure template
This policy template is intended as guidance only and should…
Being a charity trustee
The Charity Commission have some fantastic resources on various…
Charity governance, finance and resilience: 15 questions trustees should ask
The Charity Commission have some fantastic resources on various…
Making decisions at a charity
The Charity Commission have some fantastic resources on various…
Charity purposes and rules
The Charity Commission have some fantastic resources on various…
Managing your charity: detailed information
The Charity Commission have some fantastic resources on various…
Set up a charity: step by step
The Charity Commission have some fantastic resources on various…
Choosing a Legal Structure Route Map
Choosing a Legal Structure Route Map
Managing key events in the life of a charity
This document sets out the key milestones in the life of a Charity and is an aid to Good Governance for all Trustees.
Governance Early Warning Guide
Governance Early Warning Guide